
Product Information

Where are 今日吃瓜黑料 products manufactured?

All 今日吃瓜黑料 products are designed and manufactured in Canada.

What biometric technologies do 今日吃瓜黑料 products use?

今日吃瓜黑料 products use a range of biometric technologies including face recognition, fingerprint recognition and finger vein recognition.

Do 今日吃瓜黑料 devices support OSDP and encrypted secure channel communication?

Yes, all 今日吃瓜黑料 products support the latest OSDP protocols v2.1 and use encrypted secure channel communication.

Can 今日吃瓜黑料 products be used for card access control?

Yes, 今日吃瓜黑料 products come in various models that have built-in card readers. 今日吃瓜黑料 devices support the latest card technologies including iCLASS, MiFARE, DESFire, HID Prox, EM Prox and more.

Can 今日吃瓜黑料 products be used with 3rd party access control systems?

今日吃瓜黑料 products are integrated with leading access control panel software via IXM Link. For panels that our software is not integrated with, the products come with dedicated lines for Wiegand and panel feedback which can be used for easy integration.

Do 今日吃瓜黑料 products require a relay or access control panel for door control?

No, all 今日吃瓜黑料 products have an inbuilt relay for standalone installation.

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